Half term activities

On the Friday morning Pavlina, Carmen, Paola, Liz A. Simone and Eileen came and brought some lovely cakes, teas and goodies and not to forget their lovely selves. It was a way to get to to know each other a little better and to figure out how we could get more people enjoy being part of the Skills Exchange.

We came to the conclusion that people in Cambridge are so busy during term time. With half term in sight I thought it might  therefore be an great opportunity to organise a few more socials.

So Tuesday we had Mark's story telling evening and Simin, Simone, Eileen and Francis came to listen over a glass of something and some nibbles.

On Wednesday morning  it was lovely to see Bea for for a cup of coffee which resulted in a skills exchange. I managed to give her a lift that afternoon and she will pick us up from the airport on Monday.

Yesterday we had the Cambridge bread bake off between Glo and myself .
Glo made tasty soda bread and earlier in the day  I prepared  mini spelt and rye malty rolls  that were baked  in the oven to have with Bea's delicious blackberry and apple jam with a cup of tea.
A little later after my malty loaf  had risen, we baked it on top of the stove in a large pan.  Amazing how on a low heat a loaf can be baked within 30 mins.

At the end of week I look back with great warmth  and  joy and am grateful to have met such lovely friends who too want to build a strong and positive community  and welcome newcomers  with open arms.

My thanks also go to Glo and Carmen who invited  Elisabeth and Franscesco to see the skills exchange in action.

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